Anchorage Elects First Openly LGBTQ Alaskans In Municipal Election

Anchorage, Alaska - Yesterday, Christopher Constant (District 1) and Felix Rivera (District 4) became the first openly lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender (LGBT) individuals to be elected to office in Alaska. The men will serve 3-year terms on the Anchorage Assembly. Former Senator Johnny Ellis served in the Alaska State Legislature for 29 years but did not reveal he was gay until he retired in November 2016. 

Yesterday was a historic day for Alaska and for Anchorage,” said Elias Rojas, Alaskans Together for Equality (ATE) board president. “We’re very proud of Felix and Chris and we know they will work hard to serve all Alaskans as part of the Anchorage Assembly.”

ATE is Alaska’s largest membership based statewide lesbian, gay, bisexual, and transgender civil rights organization. ATE endorsed Constant and Rivera as well as two (2) other winning candidates: Suzanne LaFrance (District 6) and Tim Steele (District 3). ATE also endorsed Andy Holleman for Anchorage School Board Seat D; that race is currently too close to call with Holleman up 58 votes over candidate Kay Schuster.

“Alaska is a place where you are judged on your contributions to your community and your ideas, and Anchorage is one of the most diverse cities in the country for that very reason,” Rojas said. “We look forward to working with the entire Anchorage Assembly to ensure equality for all Alaskans.” ATE will continue to endorse and support community, statewide and federal legislation, and candidates that advance equality.

This communication is paid for by Alaskans Together For Equality, Inc., P.O. Box 202453, Anchorage, AK 99520. Elias Rojas, president approves this message. This NOTICE TO VOTERS is required by Alaska law. I certify that this communication is not paid for, or approved by any candidate or candidate’s committee.


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    published this page in Blog 2017-08-02 06:01:36 -0800