Board President Elias Rojas released the following statement today on behalf of Alaskans Together for Equality (ATE):
“This week, the United States Supreme Court issued an historic ruling affirming what we already knew to be true: Americans everywhere are entitled to fairness in the workplace, regardless of who we love or how we live.
“This is a watershed moment in our nation’s long march toward equality, and it is especially sweet that it arrives at a moment when we as a country are finally talking about the systemic racism and inequality that still affects Americans and Alaskans every day. This ruling didn’t just happen; it is the result of years of effort, and it is a powerful reminder that when we march, when we vote, when we support movements for justice like Black Lives Matter, we are making a difference — not just for ourselves, but for the generations who will come after us.
“That said, the work is not complete. While more than half of Alaskans reside in communities where they are protected from all discrimination based on sexual orientation and gender identity, the Title VII ruling still leaves many Alaskans exposed to the potential for discrimination in housing, education, and health care. We will continue to call on our state lawmakers to pass a statewide non-discrimination law that will protect all Alaskans.
“The writing is on the wall — time’s up for ignorance and inequality, both in Alaska and across the country. This ruling is a welcome step on our nation’s long walk toward truly embracing liberty and justice for all.”