Alaskans Together for Equality (ATE) is hosting its annual meeting for members at 5:30pm on June 16th at Identity; refreshments will be provided. At this meeting, we will give an update on what ATE has accomplished over the last year and will give you the opportunity help shape our priorities for the coming year.
In addition, we will be hosting an "Equality Underground" bus tour from an LGBT+ historical perspective (general public price is $30, but for our members it is only $20, as fees include the $10 annual membership fee). Jeff Wood (aka Myrna) will be our illustrious host on this steaming event!! Door prizes, goody bags, and refreshments will be provided. Bus leaves from Identity promptly at 6:30pm.
5:00pm - Doors open at Identity, Inc. (336 E 5th)
5:30pm - Annual membership meeting begins. Learn what we've been up to this year, and what we have planned for the year ahead.
6:15pm - Board the bus.
6:30pm - Let the tour begin!
Space is limited, so buy your tickets today!
- June 16, 2016 at 5:30pm – 9pm
- Identity, Inc., 336 E 5th Ave, Anchorage
- $20.00 USD
Nicole Cundiff, Organizing Committee Chair