Action Alert: Support HB 20 (Friday, March 3) @1 pm



What: House Judiciary Committee Hearing – HB 20
Where:  GRUENBERG 120 @State Capitol
When: Friday, March 3 at 1:00 pm
House Bill (HB) 20, a bill proposed by Representative Matt Claman, that allows elected officials to solemnize marriages, will be heard in committee and we are asking our members and supporters to testify in support of this bill.
While HB 20 is not LGBT-specific, it provides Alaskans the opportunity to have an elected public official perform their marriage ceremony.
Current law allows any Alaskan that goes through a laborious process of applying for a marriage commissioner appointment from the Alaska Court System to perform a wedding. This process is time-consuming and requires a fee.
Elected officials already have the public trust and have gone through a vetting process to hold their office. They are more than qualified for this additional, optional duty.
By allowing elected officials to perform solemnizations:

  • Rural Alaskans will have a larger pool of eligible individuals that can perform marriages.
  • Couples who are not affiliated with a particular religious organization can ask for an elected public official to perform their wedding.   
  • With more options, scheduling and coordinating ceremonies will be easier for couples, families, and communities.

Finally, performing marriages is optional for elected officials; HB 20 doesn’t require them to do so. Also, please mention you support the bill as presented. 
There are three ways to provide testimony tomorrow (Friday, March 3) in support of HB 20:

If you have any questions or need more information about this bill you can email [email protected]. Thank you for doing your part to make a positive change in Alaska. FINAL ASK: Share this page on Facebook using the button below! 



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