United For Marriage Rally - Juneau

Thank you for visiting the United For Marriage Rally - Juneau. 

The Supreme Court of the United States of America will likely be handing down decisions tomorrow (Wednesday, June 26) on the legality of California’s Prop 8 and the constitutionality of the Defense of Marriage Act (DOMA). These are two very important marriage equality cases that could impact Alaska.

Alaskans Together For Equality along with other individuals and community organizational partners and allies will gather to acknowledge these historic decisions as they come across the state. The date is Wednesday, June 26 so be prepared to mobilize and join us tomorrow – responses will include rally and/or celebratory opportunities – we’ll make sure to keep you posted so make sure to share this event with your friends!

This is a simple way to show your support for Marriage Equality in Juneau. We still need organizers in Juneau to help coordinate things on the ground. Please contact us if you are willing to volunteer! 

Jeni Ellingson

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